Wednesday, March 25, 2015

XRobots - 3D Printed Star Wars R2-D2 R6 Droid Part 2 - Completing the Frame

This fellow, James Bruton, is making the myth real. I think this

poses an interesting point pertaining to special effects. This lies

somewhere between CGI and pure analog FX.

In my opinion,

CGI dates itself as soon as it is realized. It is vicious, and devours

itself with extreme velocity as information technology is improved by

the second. To that extent, I feel that it should be used as a tool and

not the main attraction, such as in a movie like "Avatar". I barely remember

what the message of that film was about. I do remember that it relied

heavily on computer graphics. I feel that you can see the lack of true

contact with the living in the actors eyes when they're having a

conversation with the artificially generated sentient.

I digress. I think that information technology is an amazing tool. It

makes child's play of complex constructs. Linear algebra that would take

hours to solve by hand becomes solutions in seconds with computer

systems. This is where 3D printing shows its strength. The creative has a

vision, and needs it to become realized. They use encrypted code to

develop the form in virtual space. Therein the information is decrypted

with a device like Makerbot as its enigma machine, and physically builds

the design. Thus, this process has the potential to make

what may have been only conceivable in dreams tangible to the masses.

Sounding a little Kandinsky. I like Star Wars.

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